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Crazy Flasher 5 andy Law N/A Date added 5 months ago played 14 times Game Description Crazy Flasher 5 is coming back with a new super hero partener an endless Weapons Guns Ammos and levels Go on fighting and killing all the enemies before you lose life Find your way to upgrade your weapons and so on for survival.
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If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material you are free to view this page Otherwise you should close this page and view another pageHistoryWeaponryCrazy Flasher Andy was a normal average boy with blonde hair Until he got a assignment on his computer that he should start killing gangs for money Andy liked idea making his next day a massacre in a city Andy took his sword and went to the city killing random gang members Th Text under.
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View the profiles of people named Andy Law Join Facebook to connect with Andy Law and others you may know Facebook gives people the power to share and.