Balinit Alcrona Pro. BALINIT ALCRONA PRO has not only pushed the performance limits of cutting tools to a new level Thanks to tangibly improved protection against cold welding abrasive wear and thermal stresses tools used in punching and forming as well as aluminium pressure diecasting moulds also exhibit considerably longer service lives resulting in highquality work.
Star Su On Twitter Oerlikon Balzer S Balinit Alcrona Pro Coating Is Extremely Wear Resistant With Excellent Hardness And Shock Stability This Provides Excellent Results In Dry And Wet Machining At High Speeds from
BALINIT® ALCRONA 140’000 BALINIT ® B BALINIT® ALCRONA PRO Parts produced 10’000 8’000 6’000 4’000 2’000 0 12’000 BALINITALCRONA Tool Peeling die HSS Tool data Ø 125 mm Workpiece DIN 10406 (~ AISI 1025) 45 mm thick Source Automotive supplier Tool Forging tool HSS Tool data Ø 75 mm Workpiece DIN 17131 (~ AISI 5115.
Nonetheless productivity has to be increased For these demands we created BALINIT ® ALCRONA PRO the top level allrounder for cutting punching and die casting With this coating we were able to significantly excel the performance curve of the already proven BALINIT ® ALCRONA This results in an extremely wear resistant coating with excellent hot hardness and thermal shock stability Coating colour bright greyCoating material AlCrNbasedCoating hardness H IT [GPa]* 36 +/3Coating structure Arc.
BALINIT ALCRONA PRO « Oerlikon Balzers
BALINIT ALCRONA PRO Universal machining at the highest level Your tools are heavily stressed in production with high mechanical and thermal strains Nonetheless productivity has to be increased.
BALINIT ALCRONA PRO « Oerlikon Balzers
BALINIT ALCRONA PRO Lavorazione universale al massimo livello I vostri strumenti sono fortemente sollecitati in fase di produzione con elevate deformazioni meccaniche e termiche Ciononostante è necessario aumentare la produttività.
Star Su On Twitter Oerlikon Balzer S Balinit Alcrona Pro Coating Is Extremely Wear Resistant With Excellent Hardness And Shock Stability This Provides Excellent Results In Dry And Wet Machining At High Speeds
Balinit Alcrona Pro and Alnova Coatings Cutting Tool
BALINIT ALCRONA PRO Punching and forming at the top level
BALINIT ALCRONA PROElevado nível de maquinação universal × As suas ferramentas estão submetidas a altas cargas durante o processo produtivo devido às elevadas tensões mecânicas e térmicas.