Brexit Astrology. For now though let’s look at how the British horoscope has worked since 1066 and why 2019 was always going to be a year of global expansion international growth and broader world horizons All this is down to Jupiter a symbol of all that is biggest and best moving through Sagittarius the sign which rules foreign places and people.

This means that Saturn and Neptune were linked to each other by a particular aspect Another point of interest is that the Brexit chart has its IC at 23 degrees of Capricorn in tight conjunction with both Saturn and Pluto Right now a stern Mars – Pluto square across the 23 rd degree of Aries – Capricorn is influencing the world at large.
Brexit Chart January 2020 LUA ASTROLOGY
The Astrology of Brexit – What Will Happen Next for the Tories? 2nd March 2018 Written by James Lynn Page 12 Comments As I write these words Theresa May is still under immense pressure (some have called it a threat) from Eurosceptic Tory MPs on both front and back benches over her handling of the Brexit negotiations and what they expect her to deliver.
The Big Brexit Finish is September 22nd to 29th 2019 From the November prediction “The final window for the best possible Brexit is September 22nd to 29th That’s the last chance The big finish After that Jupiter has done his stuff and the conjunction is over” Crossing Obstacles June 23rd to July 1st 2019.
The Astrology of Brexit What Will Happen Next for the
The Labour Party was ‘born’ on 27th February 1900 at 1200 GMT in London and the chart shows Venus at 16 Aries the North Node at 16 Sagittarius and the South Node at 16 Gemini Most commentators are talking about a Tory split (war between Johnson and Cameron for leadership following a Brexit) The astrology says this is missing the point.
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My response to the above biwheel chart in which David Cameron’s horoscope at the centre is overlaid with the Brexit announcement’s chart on the outer rim was as follows “Thanks very much for this Tony The Moon’s Nodes/Pluto double link both by transit and natally confirms the key result of my research into the Moon’s Nodes ie that the most fated time in anyone’s life.