Circular Dependency Detected Power Bi. Hi Wondering if you could help I have an issue where I have a calculated column as follows TimeCost = (LOOKUPVALUE(Training_List[Est time]Training_List[TID]Training_Req[TID])*LOOKUPVALUE(Staff_List[SCR Rate]Staff_List[Staff No]Training_Req[Staff number])) I have then created a calcul.

I’ve read about 5 pages worth of posts and responses on circular dependencies and haven’t found a solution For reference the measure in the column is the average of another column in the dataset For some reason if I try to do a column that averages that column my values don’t show up correctly however if i do a measure it works.
Solved: Re: circular dependency was detected Power BI
Hi Share some data describe the question and show the expected result.
FIX: Power BI error A circular dependency was detected
Here is what I’m trying to accomplish We have inventory with different month ages If it is 06 months old we reserve 10% of total cost if it’s 712 months old we reserve 20% of total cost and 50% of total cost above 12 months age I can.
Solved: Circular Dependency Error Microsoft Power BI
Greater Houston Texas Power BI Users Please When I try to add this column I get the following message about circular dependencies A circular dependency was detected User Story[Count of Passing Tests] User Story[Count of Failing Tests] User Story[Count of20191107201910312019062720190117.
Circular Dependency Calculated Column Power Bi Desktop Stack Overflow
Circular dependency detected Microsoft Power BI Community
Re: Circular dependency was detected: Lookupvalue
Circular dependency was Microsoft detected: Lookupvalue
Eliminating a Circular Dependency Power BI User Group
A Circular Dependency Was Detected Error While C
Solved: Circular Dependency detected Microsoft Power BI
Re: Circular dependency was detected: Lookupvalue
Avoiding circular dependency errors in DAX SQLBI
powerbi Power dependency is detected BI why circular
Re: circular dependency detected Microsoft Power BI
1 Check Power BI Limitations If you are trying to have two calculated columns that contain measures that are also based on that table then it is not supported by Power BI So you need to tweak the formula so that the measures are different in two tables For more information on Power BI Circular Dependencies read Understanding Circular.