Detritus Worms Aquarium. Detritus worms belong to the phylum of annelids which include over 22000 ringed worms such as leeches ragworms and earthworms Detritus worms are usually thinlooking whitebrown strings you will see wiggling through the aquarium These worms will not cause any harm to your fish as they feed on decomposing animal and plant material.

Detritus worms are known to feed on compost which means they’re very likely to be found at the bottom of your tank if you don’t vacuum excessive feed or let your fish overfeed Check out this guide on how to feed your fish efficiently Lower the Bio Load in Your Aquarium Detritus worms feed on animal waste and decomposing materials.
Detritus Worms:How to Get rid of them in your tank! ????
Yeah those look like detritus worms! I say enjoy them ???? They are a wonderful part of a live aquarium though if you’re looking to get rid of them I recommend guppies or platys My guppies cleaned the whole tank of them really quickly 2 kaCampbell Members 29 Trader Feedback 0 0 0 Total Rating 0% Author Posted December 9 2020.
Detritus Worms in Aquariums Everything You Should Know
Detritus worms usually live around the substrate while planaria often crawl around the aquarium glass Detritus worms are harmless to any aquatic species because they only eat dead and decaying stuff Planaria can be harmful to fish because they eat fish eggs and the eyes and gills of sickly or weakened adult fish.
Detritus Worms General Discussion C.A.R.E.
Detritus worms are not a specific species but rather a group of worms from the annelid family The most common detritus worms that are seen in aquariums are tiny creatures that are a whitish color and wriggle like snakes Small reddishbrown worms are also pretty common Detritus worms measure up to about an inch long but are generally much smaller.
What Are Aquarium Detritus Worms Easy Care Aquariums
Detritus Worms: Removal, Causes, And Prevention – PetsBee
How to get rid of detritus worms in aquariums Aquatalkies
Help ID? Planaria? Detritus worm? : Aquariums
Detritus worms : Aquariums
All You Need To Know About Tiny Little Detritus Worms
FishLore Aquarium Fish to Shrimp? Detritus Worms Harmful
How To Get Rid Of Detritus Worms AquariumStoreDepot
What Are Those Tiny White Worms in My Fish Tank?
Detritus Worms General Discussion C.A.R.E. Forums
Detritus Worms: Prevention, Causes & How To Get Rid Of them
10.13.2. Detritus Worms
& How To Detritus Worms: Causes them Get Rid Of
Detritus Worms in Freshwater Tank Shrimp and Snail …
Rid Of Detritus Worms In Aquariums? How to Get …
6.2.1. Detritus Explained
Tiny White Worms in Aquarium Fish Parlor
Detritus Worms are detritivores meaning that they only eat decomposing plant and animal waste material they will not harm your fish It is not uncommon for an aquarium to have detritus worms as they can be introduced through a variety of means.