Diode Do 35. DO35 (DO204AH) Small signal switching diodes Diodes and Rectifiers manufactured by Vishay a global leader for semiconductors and passive electronic components .

DO35 (DO204AH) Zener Diodes Diodes and Rectifiers manufactured by Vishay a global leader for semiconductors and passive electronic components.
DO35 (DO204AH) Zener Diodes Diodes and Rectifiers
PDF fileCase DO35 (DO204AH) Weight approx 105 mg Cathode band color black Packaging codes / options TR/10K per 13″ reel (52 mm tape) 50K/box TAP/10K per ammopack (52 mm tape) 50K/box FEATURES • Silicon epitaxial planar diode • Electrically equivalent diodes 1N4148 1N914 • Material categorization for definitions of compliance please see.
Diode DO35 grabcad.com
DO35 Zener Diodes are available at Mouser Electronics Mouser offers inventory pricing & datasheets for DO35 Zener Diodes.
DO35 (DO204AH) Small signal switching diodes …
Diode DO35 singlefonts August 14th 2021 Diodes DO35 1N4148 ThroughHole devices Three models for horizontal or vertical mount on PCB Pitch horizontal 650mm Pitch vertical 220mm Files (4) Diode DO35 / Diode DO35 Vertical1stp stp August 14th 2021 Diode DO35 Horizontalstp stp August 14th 2021 Diode DO35 Vertical2stp stp.
Baw 75 Dual Universal Diode Do 35 35 V 2 A At Reichelt Elektronik
– Mouser Romania DO35 Zener Diodes
DO35 Zener Diodes – Mouser Mouser Electronics
DO35 Zener Diodes – Mouser Canada
Diode DO35 3D CAD Model Library GrabCAD
Diode DO35 3D CAD Model Library GrabCAD
1N4743 13V 1W Zener Diode DO35 newkarachielectronics.com
DO35 Zener Single Diodes Newark Canada
Electronic Components 100pcs Db3 Trigger Diode Db 3 Diac
Diode Case Packages, package DO35 throughhole style
EProjects 1N914 Diode, DO35, General Purpose Zener
DO35 Diode Axial Lead Component Package The DO35 package is a 2terminal Axial Leaded ThroughHole device The leads should be bent near the component body to keep them as short as possible and also insure the body is raised up just above the surface of the PWB The short leads between the DO35 and the Printed Circuit Board [PCB] allow good heat.