Fast Stroke. FAST poster (11″ x 17″) Print and hang the FAST poster in your offices hallways waiting rooms community centers and churches This file is suitable for office/home printing Read the copyright license and legal notice below and share FAST stroke signs.

FAST saved my life Knowing the FAST signs of stroke saved these survivors’ lives Read their stories Learn more Experience stroke through the eyes of a patient Would you know if you were having a stroke? Watch how a stroke unfolds through the eyes of someone who is experiencing one Recognize the signs of stroke Call 911 right away.
Learning About FAST: Stroke Warning Signs
The signs and symptoms of a stroke are the same for both men and women Symptoms can happen suddenly or they can come and go over a few days The main warning signs and symptoms of stroke include weakness on one side of your body numbness or tingling in your face arm or leg trouble speaking or understanding what others say.
Irish Heart Act F.A.S.T. The National Heart and Stroke
In some cities mobile stroke units can get stroke patients diagnosed and treated faster The sooner someone with a stoke gets medical attention the better the outcome But that can’t happen if the person who could be experiencing a stroke or people who are around don’t notice and call for emergency help quickly.
BEFAST (Balance, Eyes, Face, Arm, Speech, Time) Stroke
On average 19 million brain cells die every minute that a stroke goes untreated Stroke is an EMERGENCY Call 911 immediately Early treatment leads to higher survival rates and lower disability rates Calling 911 lets first responders start treatment on someone experiencing stroke symptoms before arriving at the hospital.
Recognize The Signs Of Stroke With F A S T
Signs/Symptoms BE FAST for Stroke
Download the FAST Heart and Stroke … stroke signs
F.A.S.T. Stroke Foundation NZ
FAST (stroke) Wikipedia
14 Warning Signs and Symptoms of Stroke FAST (Mini, TIA)
Stroke Symptoms American Stroke Association
Signs of stroke Heart and Stroke Foundation
Stroke Symptoms and causes Mayo Clinic
Stroke Organization Signs of stroke FAST World
signs? Heart and FAST Signs of Strokeare there other
F.A.S.T. Materials American Stroke Association
The quicker a clot can be dissolved or removed the less damage is done and the better the chance of a strong recovery A stroke is a brain attack – it’s very serious The symptoms might show on the face arm or in speech but it’s the brain that’s being damaged.