Harris Hotel & Convention Malang. A 10minute drive from Araya Golf Course HARRIS Hotel & Conventions Malang boasts 3 outdoor pools a fitness centre and a restaurant Free WiFi access is available throughout the building Rooms are fully airconditioned and they come furnished with a coffee/tea maker a flatscreen satellite TV and a sofa 84/10 (291)Location Jl Jend A Yani Utara Riverside C1 65126 Malang Indonesia East Java.
Harris Hotel Conventions Malang Malang Ahmad Yani Utara Riverside C1 65126 from Hotel Planner
HARRIS Hotel & Conventions Malang A 10minute drive from Araya Golf Course HARRIS Hotel & Conventions Malang features 3 outdoor pools a fitness center and a restaurant Free WiFi access is available throughout the building Rooms are fully airconditioned and they come furnished with a coffee/tea maker a flatscreen satellite TV and a sofa Location Jl Jend A Yani Utara Riverside C1 65126 Malang Indonesia JavaAccessibility Toilet with grab rails Wheelchair accessible.
HARRIS Hotel & Conventions Malang, Malang – Updated 2022 Prices
A 10minute drive from Araya Golf Course HARRIS Hotel & Conventions Malang features 3 outdoor pools a fitness center and a restaurant Free WiFi access is available throughout the building Rooms are fully airconditioned and they come furnished with a coffee/tea maker a flatscreen satellite TV and a sofa 84/10 (290)Location Jl Jend A Yani Utara Riverside C1 65126 Malang Indonesia East Java.
HARRIS Hotel & Conventions Malang Malang Java Indonesia
Make yourself at home at the HARRISHotel & Conventions a popular Malanghotel relax and unwind while treating yourself to a memorable stay in East Java Hotel in Malang Indonesia View Offers View Offers Discover Our Brands Discover Our Brands Our Properties Our Properties Member Benefits Member Benefits Business Travel Business Travel Get Location Jl A Yani Utara Riverside Block C1 Malang Indonesia 65126Email resmgrharrismalang@tauziacomPhone (0341) 2992299.
Harris Hotel Conventions Malang Malang Ahmad Yani Utara Riverside C1 65126
Malang Hotel HARRIS Hotel & Conventions Malang
– Updated 2022 Prices Conventions Malang, Malang HARRIS Hotel &
HARRIS Hotel & Conventions Malang, Malang 2022 Updated
Tranquilly located to offer convenient access to the bus station and to the airport HARRIS Hotel & Conventions Malang is the place for a constructive seminar or for simple relaxation Every effort is here made to make guests feel comfortable To do so the hotel provides the best in services and amenities 82/10 (24K)Distance to city center 8 kmLocation Jl Jend A Yani Utara Perum Riverside C1 Malang Center 65126Location rating 79.