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S01E01 “Hotel Del Luna” Episode #11 Episode “Hotel Del Luna” Episode #11 On a day when the full moon has risen Hotel Del Luna resumes its business Two guests visit the hotel One is a female dead soul who used to be a policewoman but ended up being drowned in the water The other one is a man who isn’t technically dead yet but somehow.
Hotel Del Luna EP2 Proper Intro to Hotel Del Luna
You’ll get curious about Jang Man Weol more and more Episode 2 mainly focuses on getting Chan Seung to wok as hotel manager in Hotel Del Luna You’ll see some deep sad inner quick glance at Jang Man Weol’s story It is true to the feelings emotional and also really funny Was this review helpful to you? Trending ArticlesMissing engsubMust include.
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Hotel Del Luna EP 1 Eng Sub On a day when the full moon has risen Hotel Del Luna resumes its business Two guests visit the hotel One is a female dead soul who used to be a policewoman but ended up being drowned The other one is a man who isn’t technically dead yet but somehow ended up being lost after running away from the police Watch Online on Viu SG.
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Hotel del Luna Episode 2 by LollyPip The more he learns about the job he’s expected to perform at the Hotel del Luna the harder our scaredycat hotelier tries to get out of his obligation to no avail His protests fall on deaf ears so he goes along on a job that seems as dangerous as it is unbelievable.