Ken Build Epic Seven. Table of Contents1 Pros2 Cons3 Quick Thoughts4 PvE Content41 Farming42 Wyvern 1143 Golem 1144 Banshee 1145 Azimanak 1146 Raid and Abyss5 PvP Content6 Build Pros Vildred is one of the best Area of Effect (AoE) Damage Dealers in the game and is a useful unit for both PvP (Player vs Player) and PvE (Player vs [].

Martial Artist Ken is a Dark Warrior with the Horoscope Leo that you can summon from the Moonlight Summon Martial Artist Ken Character Review | Epic Seven Wiki for Beginners Martial Artist Ken is a character that has the attribute.
Martial Artist Ken Epic Seven Build FREE AIR
Ken has the highest base HP in Epic Seven an Imprint Concentration that further increases his HP and HPscaling damage formulas on all of his.
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Table of Contents1 Pros2 Cons3 Quick Thoughts4 PvE Content41 Farming42 Golem 1143 Wyvern 1144 Banshee 1145 Azimanak 1146 Raid and Abyss5 PvP Content6 Build Pros Sez is one of the best fodder gamers and can deal substantial damage for both singletarget and Area of Effect (AoE) He is a functional unit for a Cleave team [].
Epic Seven tier list Pocket Tactics
20200920 0401 (UTC+0) Depends on where you use her SSB is one of those units that can fill many different roles and are easy to build pure DPS fast debuffer bruiser or even subhealer with Bloodstone For PVE you’d want a DPS build with around 4k Attack 250300 CD as close to 100% CC as possible decent speed (160ish) and some Eff.
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Building normal Ken Epic Seven GameFAQs
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Build Sezg Epic Seven: Furious
Epic Seven Martial Artist Ken Build GUIDES HUNTS Wyvern Hunt One Shot Wyvern Hunt Golem Hunt Useful Artifacts for Wyvern Caides Hunt One Shot Banshee Hunt.