Nulipara. Artiklerne er skrevet af forskere og eksperter på dansk På lexdk finder du opslagsværkerne Den Store Danske og Trap Danmark og en række andre specialværker der dækker bredt fra Danmarks oldtid og Danmarkshistorien over Dansk Biografisk Leksikon og Gyldendals Teaterleksikon til Symbolleksikon og Historien om børnelitteratur.
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Definition of nulipara is መሃን Translation of nulipara in Amharic nulipara ትርጉም.
Primipara vs. Nullipara What's the difference? Ask
Multipara definition a woman who has borne two or more children or who is parturient for the second time See more.
Nulipara Define nulipara in Amharic at Abyssinica
This video is about Nulligravida Gravida Nullipara Primipara Multipara Primigravida Multigravida for learning purpose #Nulligravida #Gravida .
Medical Definition of Nullipara MedicineNet
nullipara ( plural nulliparas or nulliparae ) A woman who has never carried a pregnancy beyond 20 weeks (one who has never given birth ) It includes women who have experienced spontaneous miscarriages and induced abortions before the midpoint of pregnancy but not women who have experienced pregnancy loss after 20 weeks quotations .
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Medical Definition of Nullipara RxList
O que é nulípara O que é?
Nullipara Definition & Meaning MerriamWebster
nulipara definition English
Nullipara Definition & Meaning MerriamWebster
(PDF) Obstetric characteristics and neonatal outcome of
Dicionário da Psicóloga Perinatal: Nulípara YouTube
Comparing IUDs: Copper, Mirena, Kyleena, and Jaydess at a
How to pronounce nulípara
Nulípara in English with contextual examples MyMemory
Medical dictionary Nullipara definition of nullipara by