Open Space. Funded in part by NASA OpenSpace brings the latest techniques from data visualization research to the general public OpenSpace supports interactive presentation of dynamic data from observations simulations and space mission planning and operations OpenSpace works on multiple operating systems with an extensible architecture powering high resolution tiled displays and planetarium domes and makes use of the latest graphic card technologies for rapid data throughput.

Accelerated project schedules OpenSpace’s 360° construction photo documentation technology accelerates project delivery cuts budget overruns due to rework and change orders and allows you to better control risk and liability 50% savings in travel costs Save unnecessary travel to the site and put your most experienced eyes on more projects.
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Construction Photo Documentation OpenSpace
NHS Open Space core aims Helping the NHS get the most from its estate by making more efficient use of underused or vacant space Enable flexible booking and use of NHS space Provide clear and transparent pricing and usage data Offer communities a wider range of services within local NHS hubs.
Iris Open Space
Open Space Sports and Recreation FacilitiesPublic Rights of Way and National TrailsLocal Green Space DesignationHow should open space be taken into account in planning? Open space should be taken into account in planning for new development and considering proposals that may affect existing open space (see National Planning Policy Framework paragraph 96) Open space which includes all open space of public value can take many forms from formal sports pitches to open areas within a development linear corridors and country parks It can provide health and recreation benefits to people living and working nearby have an ecological value and contribute to gre How do local planning authorities and developers assess the needs for sports and recreation facilities? Authorities and developers may refer to Sport England’s guidanceon how to assess the need for sports and recreation facilities Paragraph 002 Reference ID 3700220140306 Revision date 06 03 2014 Who should local planning authorities consult in cases where development would affect existing open space sports and recreation facilities? Local planning authorities are required to consult Sport England in certain cases where development affects the use of land as playing fields Where there is no requirement to consult local planning authorities are advised to consult Sport England in cases where development might lead to 1 loss of or loss of use for sport of any major sports facility 2 proposals which lead to the loss of use for sport of a major body of water 3 creation of a major sports facility 4 creation of a si Where can I find information on public rights of way and National Trails? Local highway authorities hold information about the location of public rights of way in the areas they cover They are required to record the existence and location of rights of way on a definitive map Natural England also has information about public rights of way and National Trails Public rights of way form an important component of sustainable transport links and should be protected or enhanced The Defra Rights of Way circular (1/09)gives advice to local authorities on recording mana What is Local Green Space designation? Local Green Space designation is a way to provide special protection against development for green areas of particular importance to local communities Paragraph 005 Reference ID 3700520140306 Revision date 06 03 2014 How is land designated as Local Green Space? Local Green Space designation is for use in Local Plans or Neighbourhood Plans These plans can identify on a map (‘designate’) green areas for special protection Anyone who wants an area to be designated as Local Green Space should contact the local planning authority about the contents of its local plan or get involved in neighbourhood planning Paragraph 006 Reference ID 3700620140306 Revision date 06 03 2014 How does Local Green Space designation relate to development? Designating any Local Green Space will need to be consistent with local planning for sustainable development in the area In particular plans must identify sufficient land in suitable locations to meet identified development needs and the Local Green Space designation should not be used in a way that undermines this aim of plan making Paragraph 007 Reference ID 3700720140306 Revision date 06 03 2014.
Inspiration Open Space Konig Neurath
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NHS Open Space NHS Property Services
Open space, sports and recreation facilities, public rights
NHS Open Space allows health wellbeing and community services to hire both clinical and nonclinical space as and when they need it on a ‘payasyougo’ basis Rooms can be booked on an hourly sessional or daily basis and range from examination rooms to offices to group activity spaces Once booked customers have a guarantee of quality onsite experience with rooms ready to go and reception staff to provide access.