Pt Serasi Autoraya Trac Astra. PTSerasi Autoraya Jul 2020 Saat ini1 tahun 7 bulan Jakarta Indonesia Handling b2b costumers for TRAC Astra Rental Cars with jobdesk 1 Demonstrated consistent track record of overachieving sales quotas 2 Served customers with knowledgeable friendly support at every stage of purchasing.
Sera Serasi Autoraya from sera astra
PT Serasi Autoraya’s headquarters are in Grha Sera Blvd Jakarta Jakarta Indonesia What is PT Serasi Autoraya’s phone number? PT Serasi Autoraya’s phone number is +62 21 26605333 What is PT Serasi Autoraya’s official website? PT Serasi Autoraya’s official website is //wwwtracastracoid What is PT Serasi Autoraya’s Revenue?.
Asep Nurhakim HR Manager Logistics Dept PT. Serasi
Standing tall at 260 meters on a 24hectare land the green mark platinum International Grade office tower boasts 55 stories that represent the statement of the grand vision and commitment of Astra as an Indonesia’s company of the world and we offer you this iconic landmark in the spirit of our continued journey of success location.
Sejarah SERASI AUTORAYA Astra International
6 rowsGET IN TOUCH WITH OUR BUSINESS UNIT BUSINESS UNIT ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER TRACAstra Rent a Car BUSINESS UNIT ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER PHONE NUMBER TRACAstra Rent a CGRHA TRAC Jl Condet Raya (6221) 8404040 (6221) 8404040 TRACAstra Rent a CGRHA TRAC Jl Condet Raya (6221) 8404040 (6221) 8404040 TRACBus Services Jl Raya Bogor Km 22 No 90 (6221) 29838888 (6221) 29838888 mobil88 GRHA SERA Jl Mitra Sunter 02126605333.
SERA (Serasi Auto Raya) Astra International
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TRAC Astra Rent Car: Rental Mobil Astra International
PT. Serasi Autoraya (SERA)
Agha Paulus, CFE, CHFI, CRMP, CSCM, QIA LinkedIn
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Irmayda Listyaningsih B2B Sales Consultant PT. Serasi
Autoraya Account Head Suci Renita Indahsari PT. Serasi
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Peluang Karir Astra Group PT. Serasi Autoraya (SERA)
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PT Daya Mitra Serasi (TRAC Driver Services) Apr 2017 Saat ini 4 tahun 10 bulan Indonesia Director Management Report Analyst at PT Serasi Autoraya Member of ASTRA Jakarta Andrew Tanujaya Account Head at PTSerasi Autoraya (TRAC member of.