Red Horse Feed Utopia Origin. Red Horse is one of the fastest horses in Utopia Origin game People also call it a red flame horse To mount this awesome creature you will have to make red horse feed To make this red horse feed recipe you need wheat feed chili feed and quality meat In addition to all these you need patience because gathering red chili is not an easy task After gathering all these ingredients you will make the red horse feed with the help of cooking pot.

Utopia Origin mount locations Since you might be wondering where some of these mounts may be hidden we are going to list them all right here below! – Bone Mountain Red Horse – Old Bread Island Red Horse – Old Platinum Bay Lone Wolf Sabre Wolf King Sabre Wolf – Old Tulip Plains Snow Wolf King Snow Wolf.
How To Make Horse Feed Utopia Origin? Neeness
This page contains all known to us cooking recipes for Feed items in Utopia Origin Feed Items are considered those products that are used to interact with a wild creature in order to tame it as a Pet or Mount Depending on the information you are looking for please see also the following pages Food Dishes Recipes List At this moment most feed recipes need verification please help the FeedIngredient 1Ingredient 2Ingredient 3Ancient Alligator FeedAbaloneMandarin FishOctopusArcane Dragon FeedKing CrabBlue Lotus FeedDark Purple FruitBig Naughty Salamander FeedSoybean FeedMudskipper FeedRare Meat FeedBlack Horse FeedBlue Lotus FeedWheat FeedAbalone.
Feed Recipes List Utopia:Origin Wiki Fandom
How do you make red horse feed in utopia? Utopia Origin Red Horse Feed – Making Feed Once you are all set it’s time to convert chili wheat into the chili feed wheat feed respectively Go close to the workbench > tap the hand icon > choose to make > go to the items tab > find wheat feed and chili feed and make the batch.
Utopia Origin Guide Feed
Guide and Creature Feed Touch, Utopia: Origin Mounts Tap, Play
Utopia: Origin – How To Tame Red Horse? MrGuider
Utopia:Origin Red/Flame Horse Tame and Recipe YouTube
Thx to Coffeelts he give me some red horse food and chili DYou can see chili spawn place in this link DSilver Moon Hill *link removed*Joy River Valley Video Duration 2 minViews 477KAuthor ZeL Gaming.