Sub Zero Error Codes. Sub Zero refrigerator error codes Temp EE + SERVICE (Flashing) Code 38 Freezer compartment thermistor Fault Temp 00 + SERVICE (Flashing) Code EE feedback Beverly Hills and West LA (310) 7510414 service@subzerolosangelescom.

SubZero Error Code EC20 Meaning Faulty Defrost BiMetal Operation – A bimetal defrost thermostat prevents the refrigerator from overheating while it’s defrosting Fix It Turn of the refrigerator circuit breaker Wait 30 seconds and turn it on again If error code EC20 does not resolve itself contact a SubZero certified repair center.
Sub Zero Refrigeration Error Codes And Indicators
How to fix Subzero EC 50 error code 1 – If temperatures are high and the door on your refrigerator has not been left open Contact SubZero factory service 2 – If the temperatures are near normal range a – Clean the condenser of dirt or dust b – Press and hold the door ajar alarm key for 15 seconds to clear the error code Error CodeCauseSolutionEC40Freezer Excessive Compressor RunningPress and hold the door ajar alarm key EC50Refrigerator Excessive Compressor Press and hold the door ajar alarm key EC21Defrost Functionality IssueSolution 1 If temperatures are high call EC24Defrost Functionality IssueSolution 1 If temperatures are high call.
The most common Sub Zero Refrigerator error codes San Diego
Below are some of the most common Sub Zero Refrigerator error codes Sub Zero Wine Storage Units 400 Series – Possible error indicators NOTE Temperatures shown are for reference only actual temperatures may vary Sub Zero Refrigerator MODEL 427R 400 SERIES – Possible Error Indicators Sub Zero.
Subzero Refrigerator Error Codes Appliance Helpers
Sub Zero Refrigerator error codes
SubZero Error Codes SubZero Appliance Fault Codes
Common SubZero Error Codes Appliance Service Station
SubZero Fault codes or error codes for SubZero appliances including Refrigerator Freezer Side by Side Refrigerator Freezer and Wine Storage Please do take care to read the information thoroughly as it is there to help you understand fault codes and to keep you safe There are also some help tips and hints with a lot of the fault codes published here that you usually will not find anywhere else and as we learn we add more information so if you can't find what you need please ask in.