Tegel Kunci Jogja. On June 20 1963 the local government of DIY (Special Region of Yogyakarta) changed the name Firma Tegel Fabrik Midden Java to Pabrik Tegel & Beton Cap Kunci (Concrete Tile & Lock Factory “Cap Kunci”) Ten years later in 1973 the factory was returned to the heirs of IrLiem Ing Hwie the family of Bp Suleiman Pabrik Tegel Kunci's handmade tiles offer practically You can submit an enquiry to our team via Phone Decorative tiles are featured as ornamentation in many Since the initial product restoration Pabrik Tegel Kunci nDalem Sabrang Lor Muntilan Jawa Tengah Private Lokal Tegel Kunci ™ Matta Indonesia JlPakuningratan No70 Be Part of our History Tradition and Spirit 19271931.

Inspired by the nostalgia of Tegel Kunci’s rich history Kunci Kreative’s distinctive products are crafted to complement contemporary lifestyles Over the years Tegel Kunci tiles have been recognized as a form of interior and architectural decoration Patterns born from combined tiles enhance spaces whether recreating traditional motifs or pushing the boundaries of modern aesthetics.
Kunci Kreative Inspired by The Nostalgia of Tegel Kunci
Jual tegel kunci Jogja berbagai jenis ubin Segera ciptakan konsep klasik dalam hunian anda Untuk info lebih lanjut hubungi 085158848749(WA).
Melihat Pembuatan Tegel Kunci Az S Blog
Tegel Kunci Jogjakarta (Panduan Harga dan Motif) Vintage Lawas
Tegel Kunci Jogja
Tegel Kunci, Ubin Cap Kunci, Cement Tile,Cement Tile
Di samping warna polos diatas tertulis kode kode tersebutlah yang akan mempengaruhi harga permeter tiap tegel produksi Tegel Kunci Jogjakarta Untuk tegel polos ukuran yang tersedia adalah 30 x 30 cm 20 x 20 cm 15 x 15 cm 10 x 10 cm dan 8 x 8 cm Untuk tegel motif hanya tersedia ukuran 20 x 20 cm sedangkan tegel berteksture tersedia.